30 years of inspiring kids
motivate, create, explore


Art Incursions


RAW art visits schools, kindy’s OSHC’s all around SE Qld, and Sydney, Newcastle, Mid-North NSW. We love getting kids off their devices and into making and creating mode……..here are a few snap shots of what we do…………

We had so much fun working with all of the fabulous kids at the Ipswich Festival – we made bug brooches, created wreath designs, and made upcycle wallhangings. Sit and Make colourful fun!

Looking at portraits with the students at St Marys PS in Concord Sydney. Exploring the proportions of the face, and having fun with watercolours.

Making dragon arm puppets at the Ipswich Festival. Great fun was had by all – including the RAW Arters!

We LOVE working with kindy classes – we are making masks with the cool kids at Bardon Little Ducks centres. We encourage the kids to do cutting, drawing, painting, stamping – everything to improve those fine motor skills!

Our always popular DAD BAGS – one of our most popular projects in kindys – we teach the kids all about how to draw a face, and how to create a portrait of our loved ones!

We visit schools in Sydney, Newcastle and Mid-North NSW – the kids at Nords Wharf PS LOVED creating the Pop Food Sculptures – check out that chocolate. Good enough to eat!

We love doing group projects in schools – here are the Year 4 kids at Indooroopilly SS working in small groups to create large scale designs looking at Australian Flora. Banksias are looking great!

Bring creativity into your classroom.

Inspire your students to think and learn in new and exciting ways. Book a RAW Art workshop for your class today.

We will be in touch within 48 hours.